Settels Savenije & Friedrich specialises in training technology professionals in soft skills and leadership: hands on and to the point. We believe you have to understand the world of technology and innovation and how technology professionals learn, to be able to train them effectively.
soft skills & leadership program for technology professionals
Effective communication skills for engineers
In this course you learn that communication & Leadership skills are an absolute essential need for engineers who work in multi-disciplinary complex projects. Just being right won't make you a successful engineer only. There is a need to cooperate, lead challenge, coach and influence to things done
Delegating in an inspiring manner
As a more senior engineer you start deligating tasks and coaching other more junior engineers. You might start guiding a team. This brings its own challenges. This training will learn you how to become a inspiring delegator and (team) coach.
How to create a feedback culture in your team
How nice would it be when we feel comfortable to give and receive feedback. To receive feecback as a present instead of feeling attacked. In this 1day training your will learn why it's important to know how to give and receive constructive and respectful feedback.
Leadership skills for architects and other technical leaders
As a technical leader, you need to steer both the project and the company in the right direction. To do that, you must be able to convince stakeholders, influence without authority, and exhibit personal leadership. You'll learn how to do all these things in our four-day program.
Time management in innovation
In this course you will learn how to deal with and manage a consistenty large workload. We will provide you with the latest insights on time management, use of your calendar, e-mail management, work delegation and negotiation of planning.
Sales skills for engineers
Sales might not be your forte, but creating new work, helping the client and your organisation is beneficial for all parties involved. This course teaches you how to recognise, explore and create business opportunities without feeling 'commercial'.
Present your technical story
Too much content, too little time? more or less details? Feeling uncomfortable in front of the group? With this training you will learn to feel comfortable and to give a clear and concise presentation that delivers the message.
How to be successful in the Dutch high tech work culture
Are you new to Holland and confused by Dutch corporate culture? This intensive boot camp will give you all the insight, practical soft skills, and confidence you need to make the most of your career in the Netherlands.
the speed of things today
The world of technology and innovation has its own specific characteristics, as do the talented people who work in this environment. More focus is needed on the developing of communication and leadership qualities of technology professionals than ever before. Why?
- Product life cycles are getting shorter, we innovate faster and the need for speeding up innovation seems bigger every day.
- More and more people are involved in innovation at the same time; the setting we work in is getting more complex every day.
- The technological challenges we face are bigger than ever.
Therefore, there is a need to speed up in everything we do. What we do is increasingly complex, the stress of delivering on time gets bigger and at the same time we have many more stakeholders to manage. The need for communication skills and leadership qualities is bigger then ever.
improving daily performance
We define 4 key roles in innovation: technical specialist, team leader, architect and project manager. Technology professionals go through three maturity levels during the first 15 years of their career. Their role may also vary over time. We believe that in order to facilitate their personal development in soft skills & leadership effectively, their training should be directly linked to both their role and their maturity. When developing cources and masterclasses we commence by defining and understanding their specific role and the corresponding level of maturity. We answer 4 questions:
- In their daily performance, which specific moments can and should have the biggest impact on the overall result for the technology professional.
- Which are the true challenges he/she faces at that very moment?
- What are the biggest pitfalls?
- Which competences do they have to master in order to succeed immediately?
From the answers to these questions we determine both the subjects and content of our courses and master classes.
the most effective teams win the competition

Creativity, mastering the art of reviewing and taking decisions quickly, leads to proper team work.