Lead the Edge: Semicon Korea 2025 - 2025-02-26
On behalf of Settels Savenije Group of Companies, Sven Pekelder and Martijn Wismans visited South Korea to participate in Semicon Korea 2025, a key event where global leaders in semiconductor technology gather to exchange insights and foster collaboration.
The power of collaborative innovation - 2025-02-13
From February 10-14, a distinguished delegation of Japanese OEMs from the Semiconductor Industry visited the Brainport region as part of the 2025 Innovation & Inspiration Tour.
Logistics closed during the holidays - 2024-12-02
We would like to inform you that our logistics department will be closed for deliveries during the holiday period, from December 23rd 2024 to January 1st 2025. No deliveries will be made or accepted during this time.
New machinery: Hermle 9 & ZEISS O-Inspect 543 - 2024-11-20
At Settels, we continue to invest in the latest technologies to elevate our production capacities, as well as our measurement and quality control processes. Recently, we have added the ZEISS O-Inspect 543 and the Hermle 9 to our measurement room and factory.
Unlocking the Path to Precision @Precision Fair 2024 - 2024-11-14
After two inspiring days at the Precision Fair, we look back on many valuable encounters and conversations. The event, known for bringing together leaders in high-tech engineering and precision manufacturing, once again offered an ideal platform to connect with industry professionals.
Improving Cleanroom Efficiency & Eco-Friendly Packaging - 2024-10-02
Recently, we implemented two new initiatives aimed at enhancing our sustainability efforts: a smart eco-mode in our cleanroom and a transition to eco-friendly packaging in our logistics processes.
Visit us at the World of Technology, Industry, and Science - 2024-07-10
Do you want to keep up with the latest in technology, industry, and science? Then visit the World of Industry, Technology & Science (WoTS) from September 24 to 27, where STTLS will be present at the World of Laboratory.
Calling all talents of the future - 2024-05-01
Are you a student or recent graduate and are you eager to explore job and internship opportunities in a high-tech environment? Then make sure to visit our Talent of the Future Event on May 14th, 2024.
Clean Event 2024 - 2024-04-03
At April 16th, Settels Savenije will be present at the 2024 Clean Event in Veldhoven (NL). The Clean Event aims to connect professionals from the entire chain regarding industrial cleanliness.
Settels Savenije opens its doors on March 23, 2024 - 2024-02-21
Would you like to take a look inside a unique High-Tech company? This is your chance! At March 23, Settels Savenije is opening her doors during the Open Company Day.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! - 2023-12-21
First and foremost, the Settels Savenije team would like to like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sven Pekelder joins economic mission USA - 2023-11-30
From December 4-8, our CTO Sven Pekelder, will join amongst others Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon for an economic mission in the USA.
Piet van Rens portrayed in clay - 2023-11-15
In honor of Piet van Rens' retirement, we asked artist Mooniq Priem to create a unique clay sculpture of Van Rens. The portrait can now be admired at TAQ.
Visit us at the 2023 Precision Fair - 2023-11-08
Settels Savenije will be present at the 2023 Precision Fair. For over 20 years, the Precision Fair has brought together the entire precision technology value chain to collaborate on next gen technological innovations.
Settels Savenije acquires Van Mierlo Ingenieursbureau - 2023-11-01
Settels Savenije Group, total solution provider in high-tech, strengthens its competences in measurement & control by acquiring Van Mierlo Ingenieursbureau.
New 650 M2 Cleanroom Class 6 operational - 2022-11-01
As from the first of November our new Class 6 cleanroom will be operational. This investment brings our total footprint of cleanroom class 6-8 to almost 1.000M2.
Frans van der Voort nominated for Noordhof Award - 2022-10-28
One of our most experienced mechatronic craftsmen has been nominated for the Noordhof Award 2022. We wish him luck at the Award event 10 November.
Piet van Rens ASPE lifetime achievement award - 2022-10-16
As many of you will have noticed, Piet van Rens was awarded a lifetime achievement award @ ASPE in Bellevue, Washington. Since many years Piet has been an inspiration for our engineers to design principally right according to the construction principles as defined by Wim van der Hoek. Chapeau Piet for this achievement!
Hennie Nagel retired - 2022-10-16
After a long and extensive career as one of the best Lead Engineers in de Eindhoven Region, Hennie Nagel has retired at the respectable age of 70.
Richard Nap appointed COO Settels Savenije - 2022-10-01
Richard Nap, who started as Director R&D in January, has been appointed COO of Settels Savenije Group of Companies. Richard has a great experience in both technology as in managing high tech organisations.
PLM Services wordt cards PLM Solutions - 2021-09-28
Met ingang van 29 september is Settels Savenije PLM Services onderdeel van cards PLM Solutions.
in memoriam Jan van Amelsvoort - 2021-07-01
Onlangs is Jan van Amelsvoort overleden. Op 1 november 1987 zijn Jan en ik begonnen met ons bedrijf. Hij was degene die mij motiveerde om ondernemer te worden. We hebben meer dan 20 jaar zakelijk alle lief en leed met elkaar gedeeld.
MBD trilogy on our YouTube channel - 2021-04-21
Did you already visit our PLM services YouTube channel?
PLM Services welcomes Kasper Brok - 2021-01-04
With Kasper Brok joining the PLM Services team we had a fresh start of the new year
Make the impossible possible - 2020-10-19
Interview in Link Magazine, where Sven Pekelder and Dirk Dona talk about the significance of the move of precision parts to TAQ.
Move precision parts successfully implemented - 2020-07-21
With a delay of a few weeks because of Corona, the relocation of Precision Parts Manufacturing to TAQ has been finalised.
Investments new machines - 2020-05-21
Precision Parts recently invested in various new CNC machines and a new Cardex Logistic System. These investment form part of the total TAQ investment program 2019-2021.
TAQ extension 5000M2 realised - 2020-04-01
Extending our premises at TAQ is a fact. With a total footprint op 8.395M2 TAQ now is capable of housing all our activities including Precision Parts manufacturing which will move in the coming months.
Knowledge event digitalization attracts attention - 2020-02-17
Knowledge event on the digitalization of the workshop attracts attention in media
Op weg naar de digitale werkplaats - 2020-02-11
Settels Savenije PLM services and STODT organize three knowledge events on digitalisation in manufacturing.
Release sample holder assembly process - 2020-01-15
After internal audit, our advanced systems assembly team, successfully closed the NPI program of various sample holders.
Your part, our CAM challenge - 2020-01-08
with the arrival of Dirk Jan and Frits, our CAM team is now at full strength and ready to improve your CAM performance
Visit us at the MBD Solutions event - 2019-11-20
Visit us at the MDB Solutions event November 28th 2019 in Veldhoven and learn more about our MBD solutions and services.
Frits van de Huygevoort joins the PLM Services team - 2019-09-16
With Frits van de Huygevoort another experienced CAM and machiningf specialist joined the PLM Services team
Dirk Jan Spaanderman joins PLM Services team - 2019-08-01
We are happy to announce that Dirk Jan Spaanderman, an experienced NX CAD and CAM specialist has joined our team per August.
Luuk Huizer from student to teacher - 2019-05-19
Luuk Huizer, one of our NX CAM Consultants shared his experiences of the past years at the school where he once started. His teacher was impressed.
Dosco Vijayakumar starts as PLM Consultant - 2019-03-01
We welcome Dosco who joined our PLM Services team in March. Dosco will focus on Teamcenter and NX implementation projects
Andre Memelink starts as senior software designer - 2019-02-01
Andre Memelink starts as Senior Software Engineer. He has a many years of experience in machine automation and software implementations, working for various companies.
TAQ expansion of 5,000 m2 approved - 2018-12-05
Budgets have been approved by the Settels Board and an agreement reached with our project development partners.
Precision Parts invests in Tornos NANO - 2018-12-05
Precision Parts has recently invested in a Tornos SwissNano turning center.
Free workshop/lecture - 2018-12-04
ir. Jaco Friedrich will talk about the dos and don’ts of working in Dutch High Tech Culture.
Abdel Boujnane Sr. opto-mechanical system designer - 2018-12-04
Per December 1st 2018 Abdel Boujnane joined the Settels Savenije engineering team in the position of senior opto-mechanical system designer. Abel has a background in mechanics, optics and mechatronics and many years of experience in the optics industry.
Don't let engineering changes control you - 2018-10-23
Getting the increasing number of engineering changes under control is a challenge for many engineering departments.
Remote NX CAM workshop Kiefel Packaging - 2018-09-23
Jack Saes, CAM specialist at PLM Services has successfully provided a remote NX CAM workshop for Kiefel Packaging Indonesia.
Settels Savenije team enjoys annual company weekend - 2018-09-10
Amidst our busy day-to-day work the Settels Savenije team enjoyed the annual company retreat in the weekend of September 7-9.
ERP interface event well attended - 2018-09-05
The ERP interfacing at the end of August event was well attended. IPL Advies and Kulicke & Soffa shared their experiences with ERP interfacing.
First shipments from TAQ premises - 2018-08-31
@ Strijp-T, our TAQ facilities include a production hall which has an ISO-7 (6) cleanroom and warehouse. Over the past few months, shipments have been sent to customers around the world.
Why do I need an ERP interface? - 2018-08-13
Many manufacturing companies leave money lying around because they do not interface PLM with ERP. A missed opportunity!
Attend the Advanced Machine Engineering webinar - 2018-08-13
Helping Industrial Machinery Manufacturers achieve their digitalization goals and key business challenges
TAQ Garden Party 2018 - 2018-08-01
Employees, their partners and kids were invited at our annual TAQ garden party.
Bakker Fijnmetaal is now Settels Savenije Precision Parts - 2018-07-01
Per June 15 this year Bakker Fijnmetaal, part of the Settels Savenije Group of Companies for many years, changed its name.
CAM2.0 event: food for thought - 2018-06-14
That CAM2.0 is on the agenda of many manufacturing companies was evident from the great interest in our Get Ready for CAM2.0 event.
Visit our event 'Get ready for CAM2.0' - 2018-05-12
Visit our event Get ready for CAM 2.0 on June 14th in Einhoven and learn more about state-of-the-art CAM
Manuel Lang starts as Logistical Officer. - 2018-04-01
Manuel worked in a Logistical/Technical environment for the last 10 years. He joines the Supply Chain/Logistical team.
Luuk Huizer starts as CAM Consultant - 2018-03-01
Per March Luuk has joined our PLM Services team. Luuk will focus on NX CAM implementation and support.
Maikel Michiels starts as Supply Chain Engineer - 2018-02-19
Maikel graduated in mechatronics from the Fontys hogeschool Engineering Eindhoven and is
ASML announced drawingless era - 2018-02-09
From the 2nd half of 2018 suppliers of ASML will no longer receive the traditional drawing for new designs but only 3D based TPD.
Settels and Technobis join forces in advanced sensor solutions - 2017-11-29
Settels Savenije Group and Technobis have agreed upon strategic cooperation, combining their in-depth know-how on integrated photonics
Ultra-high positioning accuracy in challenging environments - 2017-11-06
Xeryon and Settels strategically join forces combining their in-depth know-how on precise positioning in extreme environments.
SS&F knowledge session: Technical Leadership in Innovation - 2017-10-26
Our partner 'Settels Savenije & Friedrich' specialises in courses and master classes in soft skills and leadership designed for technology professionals.
Stijn van Sambeek starts as Supply Chain Manager - 2017-10-16
Stijn has over 10+ years of experience in international supply chain- and operations management.
TAQ cleanroom - 2017-09-01
@ TAQ 200M2 cleanroom class 6-7 is now fully operational.The assembly and integration of 3 high tech vacuum systems for one of our USA customers is the first project to enter.
COMSOL - 2017-08-18
Our R&D team has invested in COMSOL multi physics as preferred CFD tool for modelling and simulating physics-based problems in complex vacuum environments.
PLM workshop Manufacturing Engineering - 2017-08-17
PLM workshop Manufacturing Engineering took place on September 7th, at our premises in Eindhoven
Next step PLM Services with partnership Siemens - 2017-07-16
Interview in Mechatronica & Machinebouw on our recent partnership with Siemens.
Garden Party 2017 - 2017-07-13
Our 2017 Garden Party was a great succes @ the TAQ garden!
DSPE knowledge event hosted @ TAQ - 2017-06-29
On 29 June 2017, Settels Savenije G.O.C. hosted an inspiring DSPE Knowledge Session about 'Design in Vacuum'.
Interview Jack Saes gastdocent Teclab in Eindhovens Dagblad - 2017-06-22
Nice article in the ED,our local newspaper about the Teclab, where old hands from trade and industry bring their knowledge to the young generation.
Move to TAQ - 2017-03-01
1st March we moved to the TAQ building @ Strijp T.
Moving up the supply chain - 2016-12-15
Special in Bits & Chips - Over the past fifteen years, Settels Savenije has carried out numerous projects for ASML. These projects have been instrumental in growing Settels
Opening new location Leidse instrumentmakers School - 2016-12-06
This week, the Leidse instrumentmakers School had a grand reopening event. His Majesty the King Willem Alexander was present.
PLM Services on Business Software Event - 2016-11-25
Attent our lecture about the implementation of Manufacturing PLM at Weir Minerals on the Business Software Eevent on Wednesday 10:30-11:00 in Den Bosch
PLM at K&S ready for the future! - 2016-10-25
This week the Teamcenter and NX upgrade Team headed by René completed successfully a complex PLM upgrade and data model alignment at our customer Kulicke & Soffa.
Staff weekend trip - 2016-10-10
This year the weekend took place in Losser, Twente region. We played bubble soccer and went for a ride on a tandem. It was a great weekend.
NEWS about TAQ in economic section ED - 2016-08-09
John and Sven were interviewed by Harrie Verrijt, journalist responsible for the economic section of Eindhovens Dagblad. Subject: our new premises @ Strijp T
Company garden party 2016 - 2016-07-16
Also this year a lot of employees, with their partners and kids, joined our garden party in the big garden of Riné and Els Dona in Veldhoven.
PLM mile stone reached @ Nikhef - 2016-07-15
On Friday a milestone in the PLM project at Nikhef was reached and duly celebrated with cake
TAQ reallocation, part 1 - 2016-07-13
As we announced earlier: construction works have started on our new company building TAQ op Strijp T.
Report Euspen Conference and Exhibition in Nottingham UK - 2016-07-08
This year, the annual Euspen Conference and Exhibition was held in Nottingham, UK. Our group was represented by Mark Meuwese and Sven Pekelder who gave a vacuum tutorial.
Labyrinth challenge Holland at CERN 2016 - 2016-05-27
Who is able to solve the labyrinth puzzle at Holland at CERN 2016?
Jan Wessels starts as an engineer in our Research & Feasibility group - 2016-05-23
Jan Wessels graduated with a M. Sc in ‘Compliant systems’ (Prof. Herder) from the Mechanical Engineering faculty at TU Delft.
Publication 'Exploring the 3D Printing of Metal Vacuum Seals' - 2016-05-02
Read all about 'Exploring the 3D Printing of Metal Vacuum Seals' written by Dorine Laheij from SSvA, and by KMWE, published in Mikroniek nr 2 of 2016.
Introduction of iMGR2100 microscope platform - 2016-04-13
SSvA introduces an imaging system for applications with high magnification levels. This was first announced @ the ASPE conference in November 2015.
Design Principles 2.0 at ASPE - 2016-04-11
Piet van Rens will present a tutorial on Design Principles at the ASPE event in October in Austin, Texas. In this program we mix a challenging online learning experience with pre designed workshops.
'Van Smart Industry naar de praktijk' - 2016-03-09
The article 'Van Smart Industry naar de praktijk' by Wim Ottenhoff, director of PLM Services is published in Mechatronica & Machinebouw nr 2 of 2016
Best Idea 2016 Augustinianum College - 2016-03-02
Bjorn van Hak, of SSvA, was one of 3 professional jurors during the contest "Best Idea 2016 Augustinianum College".
Settels Co-publisher of Vacuum Technology book - 2016-02-29
In February 2016, the book Vacuum Science and Technology is published by Settels Savenije van Amelsvoort in cooperation with The High Tech Institute.
Alex van Otterdijk joins PLM Services - 2016-02-01
In February 2016, Alex van Otterdijk starts as a PLM Consultant in PLM Services.
Wim Ottenhoff starts as Director PLM Services - 2016-01-03
At the start of this year, Wim Ottenhoff joins the Settels Savenije group of companies as director of PLM Services.
Settels Savenije Advanced Systems incorporation - 2016-01-01
SSvA incorporates a new company as a member of the group, which will dedicate itself to the assembly, testing and delivering of what is designed.
Settels Savenije present at Precision Fair 2015 in Veldhoven - 2015-11-16
Settels Savenije will represent the group of companies on the Precision Fair 2015.
Jos de Koning new member of staff - 2015-11-02
On 2 November 2015 Jos de Koning commences work at SSvA as Senior Project Engineer.
Settels Savenije present at ASPE 2015 in Austin, Texas - 2015-11-01
Gerrit van der Straaten will represent the group at the ASPE 2015 Conference from 1 to 6 november in Austin, Texas.
Collaboration with CERN started - 2015-09-03
Collaboration with CERN started to design alignment features for manufacturing purposes.
Shipment of test tool to US customer - 2015-07-17
Key element of the R&D assignments from one of our international customers, was the shipment of a test tool. Shipment took place today. This tool is crucial in developing equipment for specific new manufacturing processes in high tech industries.
Johan Dirkx new member of staff - 2015-07-16
Per 1st july Johan Dirkx commences work at SSvA. Johan is Software Architect for machine control systems. He has many years of experience in display machine technology.
Company garden party great success - 2015-07-16
With 125 employees, their partners and kids, we celebrated the summer in the beautiful garden of Riné and Els Dona in Veldhoven.
Roll-On Roll-Off design handed over - 2015-07-15
Our tools and equipment team handed over all designs for a thin layer - roll-on and roll-off system to one of our Dutch customers.
Ron Asjes Consulting Associate - 2015-04-15
Ron Asjes has joined our team of consulting associates. Ron is a well-know expert with an impressive and long career @ Philips Research.
Ronald Stevens new member of staff - 2015-04-01
Ronald Stevens is an expert in implementing industrialisation projects, bringing new products from a prototype phase into release for volume production.
Dorine Laheij finalist in Design Challenge 2015 - 2015-03-15
Dorine Laheij was one of the finalists in the Design for Additive Manufacturing Challenge 2015.
Settels Savenije PLM Services new division - 2015-03-01
The Settels Savenije Group has decided to form a new division with a focus on PLM CAD CAM services.
Rene van Gerwen starts as PLM consultant - 2015-03-01
Rene van Gerwen has decided to join our PLM team. Rene is a senior expert who has helped various companies implement PLM software and PLM strategies. His roots lie in mechanical engineering.
Pieter Schelte arrives at Port Rotterdam - 2015-01-08
Our team was involved in the mechanical engineering of the hydraulics on board of this impressive ship. Today it arrived at Rotterdam.
Mark Meuwese CTO Organisation & Technology - 2015-01-01
Mark Meuwese has been appointed CTO Organisation & Technology.
Sven Pekelder CTO Marketing & Technology - 2015-01-01
Sven Pekelder has been appointed CTO Marketing & Technology.
Jack Saes joins us as CAM specialist - 2015-01-01
Jack is a very experienced mechanical engineer who as a young worker started as a machine operator. Later in his career he became an expert in CAM programming.
Guus van de Griendt joins us as CAD specialist - 2014-12-01
With the start of Guus van der Griendt, we offer a new line of services to our customers. Guus is an expert in implementing CAD solutions.
Annual presence at Precision Fair 2014 - 2014-11-12
A team of Bakker and SSvA join forces once again at our exhibition at the precision fair 2014.
250 people attend THE ART OF REVIEWING seminar - 2014-09-25
Keynote speaker Peter Vermeulen introduced the topic of autism friendly communication
Uninhabited island Staff weekend - 2014-09-05
An uninhabited island in the Veluwemeer is the surprising location for the annual staff weekend.
Rudy van der Veen new Project Manager - 2014-09-01
We welcome Rudy van der Veen (TU physics, 1984) as project manager within our team. Rudy has an extensive experience working for larger high tech companies (a.o. Philips Healthcare, Panalytical, VDL ETG)
USA Ltd incorporated - 2014-08-01
Settels Savenije USA ltd has been incorporated under the laws of the state of California.
International Partnership in R&D - 2014-07-15
Commencement of negotiations re a R&D partnership with a US-based technology enterprise. Due to the confidential character of the work, we cannot go into further details. However, we can tell you its challenging and right in the core of our expertise.
Management Team visits Beijing area - 2014-07-04
The Management Team visits the Beijing area for a summit on a strategic alliance within the region.
Office Garden Party 2014 - 2014-06-16
Our traditional Garden Party in Rine and Els Dona's beautiful garden was a great success.
SSvA glide high - 2014-04-15
SSvA staff organise and participate in a very successful glider event in Venlo.
Eric Kosters new member of staff - 2014-03-01
On 1st May, Eric Kosters, Project Manager (Mechanics) starts at his new job at Settels Savenije van Amelsvoort. With his experience in Optics and Opto-mechanics he will strengthen our team.
ASML program for architects extended - 2014-02-10
Settels Savenije & Friedrich develop additional modules for the ASML Program for Architects. The total program now consists of 4 modules of 2.5 days. This program runs now for the 5th year.
SSvA to China - 2014-01-20
A Chinese Multinational company orders a technology audit of their production facilities in the Bejing area, China.
mechatronics team invest in CFD Software - 2014-01-10
SSvA invests in state-of-the-art CFD software to better model flow and temperature in complex projects.
Partnership with IAI in R&D and engineering - 2014-01-01
SSvA and IAI (Veldhoven) enter into a partnership in Research & Development projects. Henny Nagel is assigned as principle designer to the IAI development program, in the lead of the SSvA development team.
frank rood contracted as trainer - 2013-12-17
Frank Rood is appointed as co-trainer in the ASML program for architects and as trainer in time management courses @ Settels Savenije & Friedrich.
Precision Fair - 2013-11-06
SSvA and BakkerFM are represented at Stand 156 in the Precision Fair, Veldhoven.
Bosch Partnership - 2013-11-01
SSvA and Bosch Netherlands renew their customer/supplier relationship.
ASPE Tutoral nothing is more - 2013-10-20
Gerrit van der Straaten en Peter van der Heijden (VDL ETG) give a tutorial at the 28th ASPE Annual Meeting.
Performing excellent at work - book presentation jaco friedrich - 2013-09-20
What is the difference between good and excellent? You will find out all about it in this new book written by Gert-Jan van Schaik and Jaco Friedrich.
Guustaaf Savenije starts as CTO @ VDL-ETG - 2013-09-01
Guustaaf Savenije becomes CTO at VDL-ETG. His position as main shareholder and member of the supervisory board of Settels Savenije Group of Companies remains unaltered.
Scotts rule the world @ SSvA weekend - 2013-08-25
The annual company weekend was held (in Scottish style) at a castle near Venlo.
bare footed Summer staff event - 2013-07-10
In this year's summer event, SSvA staff and their families, walked the 'bare footed path' in Brunssum.
3D Printer - 2013-05-10
SSvA acquires its first 3D printer.
Bosch Rexroth milestone - 2013-05-10
An important milestone is achieved by the SSvA team, working on the All Seas Project at Bosch Rexroth.
BTS Installation S. Korea and Taiwan - 2013-05-03
Together with colleagues from ASML, Ralf Jacobs installs two SSvA-developed BTS systems in South-Korea and Taiwan.
High Tech Systems Fair - 2013-04-23
SSvA, BakkerFM and KU Leuven (Xeryon) give presentations at the High Tech Systems Fair in Eindhoven.
Spring event on beetle Trike - 2013-04-10
SSvA staff tour the Brabant countryside on Beetle-trikes.
dutch Crown prince visits VDL-ETG - 2013-01-25
Prince Willem Alexander visits VDL-ETG in Eindhoven to see the EUV Source vacuum vessel - designed by SSvA.
Pilot course commences - 2013-01-15
Pilot training of a course by Settels Savenije & Friedrich commences - Creating Business Opportunities as a Technician.
Jan van Amelsvoort retires as shareholder - 2012-12-28
Jan van Amelsvoort retires as a shareholder. Jan keeps on contributing as a consulting associate in various projects and in our design principle courses.
In memoriam Jos P. Berben - 2012-12-26
Ing. Jos P. Berben was actief als bedrijfsadviseur van de jaren zestig tot eind jaren negentig. In de periode 1988 – 1995 was hij verbonden als oprichter en mede-eigenaar aan onze organisatieadviespraktijk.
Mirjam van Gerwen, new receptionist - 2012-12-01
Mirjam van Gerwen commences work as Receptionist and administrative assistant at SSvA.
Precision Fair - 2012-11-15
SSvA and BakkerFM are at stand 156 at the Precision Fair in Veldhoven.
Testing rescue equipment - 2012-11-12
The SSvA team spend an inspiring evening at Holmatro, testing the rescue equipment which is designed there, by cutting though wrecked cars.
25th anniversary of our company! - 2012-11-01
Settels Savenije van Amelsvoort celebrates its 25 year jubilee together with all current and previous employees and consulting associates.
ASPE Conference San Diego - 2012-10-21
SSvA is represented at the ASPE conference in San Diego with a poster presentation by Gerrit vd Straaten, Piet van Rens and Ton Peijnenburg (VDL-ETG)
New course on work pressure management - 2012-10-03
A pilot of the course Time and Work Pressure Management commences at Settels Savenije & Friedrich.
OLED deposition - 2012-10-01
Working together with VDL-ETG, a process chamber mask deposition tool development project for a major German customer commences.
SSvA and Femtec join forces - 2012-10-01
Femtec and SSvA start cooperating in project applications of large hydraulic systems in offshore.
ASML EUV related projects start - 2012-10-01
SSvA commences two big engineering projects related to ASML EUV machinery.
New course - The Art of Reviewing - 2012-09-01
A pilot of the training course The Art of Reviewing developed by Settels Savenije & Friedrich is succesfully completed. This training will be added to the High Tech Institute curriculum as from 2013.
Joost Musterd new member of staff - 2012-09-01
Ir. Joost Musterd, Tue Mechanics 1993, previously of Cematec and Irmato, joins SSvA as a senior designer.
Jaap Oudes starts as senior architect - 2012-09-01
Ing. Jaap Oudes, formerly of Philips and VDL-ETG and expupil of Jan van Amelsvoort, joins SSvA as a senior architect.
Offshore project - 2012-09-01
The SSvA team in the Marine and Offshore project, is strengthened by four new members.
DSPE conference - 2012-09-01
Gerrit vd Straaten gives a keynote speech at the DSPE conference on Systems Thinking to Meet Contradicting Requirements.
Canoe Staff weekend - 2012-09-01
The annual company weekend was held in a nature reserve near Marknesse.
Bosch preferred supplier - 2012-08-15
Settels Savenije van Amelsvoort acquires the status of 'Preferred Supplier' at Bosch Netherlands companies.
employee Profit sharing - 2012-08-01
The annual shareholders meeting decides on profit sharing for staff members based on the 2011 results.
AVANS students visit Bakker Fijnmetaal factory - 2012-07-01
Invited at the successful networking workshop held by Machiel Kneppers at Avans Breda, several students visit Bakker FM.
new course - effective communication I&II - 2012-06-01
Commencement of a new course designed by Settels Savenije & Friedrich.
STRESS Management workshop - 2012-05-01
The SSvA staff attend an internal workshop on Stress and Work Pressure Management given by Jaco Friedrich.
new division Settels Savenije & Friedrich BV - 2012-04-01
Settels Savenije & Friedrich BV is incorporated. Its focus is on the development of leadership and soft-skill courses for technology professionals.
Mentor program evaluation - 2012-03-12
Evaluation of the mentor program at SSvA: our powerful tool in securing the personal development of employees.
Preferred suppliership @ Bosch NL - 2012-03-01
Bosch Group Netherlands and SSvA commence negotiations leading to a preferred supplier status.
Coen van der avoort projectmanager gl - 2012-03-01
Coen van der Avoort commences as a project manager for a joint project of GL Precision and SSvA
Ralf starts @ Bosch security - 2012-03-01
Ralf Jacobs commences as an Optical Engineer for a project at Bosch Security Systems developing camera systems for security purposes.
EUV Vessel milestone - 2012-02-01
A milestone in the development of the EUV vacuum vessel together with VDL-ETG
Robin gubbels new administrator @ group of companies - 2012-02-01
Robin Gubbels, registered AA Accountant (formerly Deloitte), starts as head of financial administration at our group of companies.
Bjorn van hak starts new project at OTB Solar - 2012-01-01
Bjorn van Hak, technology consultant, starts work at OTB Solar after finishing a project at Bosch Rexroth.
Precision Fair - 2011-11-30
SSvA and BakkerFM sucessfully present at the Precision Fair in Veldhoven.
we are looking for 25 new members of staff - 2011-11-01
SSvA is seeking to recruit 25 new employees, due to the expansion of in-house activities and projects at customers' facilities. At the precision fair we promote our plans.
Michel Mors starts as senior designer - 2011-11-01
Ir. Michel Mors, TU Mechanics 1998, formerly of ACE, Philips and Yacht, starts as a senior designer and technology consultant at SSvA.
course Time management by FRank Rood - 2011-10-10
Frank Rood gives a time management workshop to the office team at our company.
20 members of our staff follow Optics course - 2011-09-01
Chris Velzel starts teaching the Applied Optics course to 20 of our own technology consultants at SSvA.
Annual Staff weekend @ schoorl beach - 2011-09-01
The annual staff weekend on Schoorl beach is very active: beach sailing and mountain biking in the dunes.
Maurits Willenbroek enters job assignment program - 2011-09-01
Maurits Willenbroek commences a project at Bosch Rexroth in Boxtel. Maurits, Leidse Instrumentmakersschool graduate, commences work at SSvA, combined with a study Mechanics at Fontys.
guustaaf savenije member of the group supervisory board - 2011-08-01
Guustaaf Savenije has been appointed as member of the supervisory board of Settels Savenije Group of Companies.
CHRIS velzel associate consultant @ settels savenije van amelsvoort - 2011-08-01
Dr. Ir. Chris Velzel, Physics, TU Delft, optical expert, former Philips CFT, becomes a member of our group of consulting associates. Our staff are looking forward to working together with Chris.
Sven Pekelder director @ settels savenije van amelsvoort - 2011-08-01
Sven Pekelder is appointed as a Company Director.
Guustaaf Savenije appointed as VP @ ASML - 2011-07-01
Guustaaf Savenije is appointed as VP EUV Source Management at ASML.
ASML Farm Out agreement signed - 2011-04-10
ASML and SSvA sign agreement for Farm Out projects.
Henri Heerings starts as designer - 2011-04-01
Ing. Henri Heerings commences as a designer and technology consultant at SSvA.
Heineken energy saving - 2011-04-01
Heineken Den Bosch is pleased with the results of a project regarding the energy saving of the pasteurising process at the brewery. The project was lead by Edwin van den Tillaart.
Recruitment senior director in high tech - 2011-03-01
The recruitment of a Senior High Tech Director has been sucessfully completed.
Coen van der avoort project manager at VDL-ETG - 2011-03-01
Coen van der Avoort commences as a project manager at VDL-ETG.
EUV Source program for vessel - 2011-02-01
SSvA - VDL-ETG union nominated as R&D partners for complex vacuum development in ASML/Cymer EUV.
asml Program for Architects - 2011-02-01
Martin van den Brink is the evening guest in the ASML Program for Architects, chaired by Guustaaf Savenije & Jaco Friedrich.
cooperation ssva and VDL-ETG - 2011-01-01
VDL-ETG and SSvA commence cooperating in research & development programs in high tech engineering.
Erik Verhoeven joins anteryon - 2011-01-01
Ir. Erik Verhoeven joins Anteryon as a Senior Project Manager. We wish him succes in his new job.
Program for Architects - 2010-12-01
Commencement of the pilot of the ASML Program for Architects, chaired by Guustaaf Savenije and Jaco Friedrich.
Han van Egmond consulting associate - 2010-11-01
ir. Han van Egmond joins our group of consulting associates and commences as Senior Project Manager Sources at ASML.
recruitment senior consultant @ sap - 2010-11-01
Peter van den Berg is successfully placed as a Senior Consultant at SAP Consultancy, 's-Hertogenbosch.
development asml Program for Architects initiated - 2010-10-01
SSvA commences development of the ASML Program for Architects. The first pilot series of the course will take place soon.
harrie peeters consulting associate - 2010-10-01
Ir. Harrie Peeters, senior project manager, joins our group of consulting associates and starts work at Assembleon.
Dirk van Amelsvoort sales manager @ bakker fijnmetaal - 2010-09-01
Special assignment: Dirk van Amelsvoort joins Bakker Fijnmetaal to strengthen the sales Team.
Bakker Fijnmetaal part of Settels savenije group - 2010-09-01
Participation of Settels Savenije Group in Bakker Fijnmetaal (Son), including refinancing the company, is successfully implemented.
han padding enters job assignment program - 2010-09-01
Han Padding, graduate of the Leidse Instrumentmakers School, joins SSvA and commencess a project at ASML.
Jaco Friedrich trainer & consulting associate - 2010-09-01
As suggested by Marijke Lingsma, SSvA commences a partnership with Ir. Jaco Friedrich. Together we start developing the Soft skills and Leadership program for technology professionals.
Slawek Leszcynski enters job assignment program - 2010-09-01
Slawek Leszcynski, HTS WTB, commences work at SSvA. He will strengthen the engineering team.
harry de kok enters job assignment program - 2010-08-01
Harry de Kok, Leidse Instrumentmakers school graduate, joins SSvA and commences a project at ASML Modelshop.
Savenije part of our new company name - 2010-08-01
Settels van Amelsvoort changes its name to Settels Savenije van Amelsvoort, with the participation of Guustaaf Savenije as one of the directors and main shareholders.
new training division - The Institute - 2010-03-01
The Institute, a training institute for Precision Engineering and Mechatronics, is established together support from BOM.
acquisition of mechatronics and design principles courses Philips CTT - 2010-03-01
SvA takes over the Philips CTT training portfolio in the field of mechanics, electronics, mechatronics and optics.
Technology café led by machiel kneppers - 2010-02-01
SvA holds its first Technology Café, where technology professionals seeking employment take part in an intensive workshop on career perspective and career path choice.
Recruitment technology manager - 2010-02-01
A Technology Manager from one of the region's leading system suppliers is successfully recruited.
Supply chain optimisation prinsen foods - 2010-02-01
SvA commences a cost reduction project in supply chain management at Prinsen, Helmond.
landry kemloh starts as software developer - 2010-02-01
Landy Kemloh Tomeze commences work as a software developer.
katja budde chairs Networking workshop - 2010-01-01
Katja Budde chairs a networking workshop for technology professionals seeking employment.
patrick van nuland member of staff - 2010-01-01
Patrick van Nuland, supply chain professional, commences work at SvA, on their supply chain improvement projects.
Bjorn van Hak new mechanical designer - 2009-12-01
Bjorn van Hak, mechanical designer, commences work at SvA.
KWR Grant approved for SvA, Anteryon and HTM - 2009-11-01
Grant from the KWR program awarded to SvA re: cooperation with Fontys, Anteryon and HTM.
HR Event @ settels van amelsvoort - 2009-10-01
SvA hosts a High Tech HR-event, with Marijke Lingsma, Marcel Grooten and Guustaaf Savenije. What would be the ideal profile of an HR manager in high tech?
Settels van Amelsvoort in top 500 in the Netherlands - 2009-09-13
In the spring of 2009 TNS Nipo on behalf of Management Team has determined which Dutch companies excel in popularity and image.
Outplacement @ FCI - 2009-07-01
SvA gets the assignment for the outplacement of FCI employees.
search for new platform for training in mechatronics - 2009-07-01
Commencement of talks regarding a new platform for training in precision engineering and mechatronics.
Gerrit van der straaten teaching consultant @ avans - 2009-06-01
Gerrit van der Straat combines his work as a mechanical designer with the teaching of mechanics at Avans Hogescholen Breda.
Philips assignment for product design reviews - 2009-06-01
A division of Philips commissions SvA for product review and assistance in product design.
Lee Hecht Harrison and Settels join forces - 2009-06-01
Settels van Amelsvoort and Lee Hecht Harrison formalise their strategic alliance regarding outplacement for high tech companies.
team coaching at Management team level - 2009-05-01
A division of a leading high tech company gives john settels the assignment to coach their management team.
ASML cuts down in resources - 2009-05-01
ASML announces a cutback on expenses, 3.4 FTE of SvA will be reduced by 1st July.
Assembleon machine audit - 2009-05-01
The management of Assembleon asks SvA to audit a new machine concept. Sven Pekelder is in the lead of the program. sven
Outplacement @ philips - 2009-05-01
Lee Hecht Harrison, assigns Machiel Kneppers as one of SvA's outplacement consultants, to commence work on an outplacement assignment for Phillips.
Food team talks with food connection point - 2009-05-01
Food Connection Point Helmond shows strategic interest in the Team Food concept.
Sven pekelder program manager upgrade OLED production - 2009-05-01
The SvA core team lead by Sven Pekelder commences work on a project to upgrade an OLED production line for Oled Technologies BV
OLED production - 2009-04-01
SvA presents the American-Chinese consortium with the results of the feasibility study of an OLED production line upgrade.
Recruitment Manager Sales and Manager Finance - 2009-03-01
Successful completion of the recruitment of a Sales Manager and a Head of Finance for another engineering bureau.
executieve Coaching assignment - 2009-03-01
A Philips division commissions SvA to implement an executive coaching program for their new Director of Innovation. John Settels is appointed as coach.
Outplacement consultants lee hecht certified - 2009-03-01
Three SvA consultants are now certified as outplacement consultants in accordance with the Lee Hecht protocol.
Outplacement - 2009-02-01
Anny van Zuijlen, Henk Hubbers, Lieke van Stekelenburg and Yvonne Spanjers participate in brainstorming about SvA's identity in career counselling and outplacement.
OLED - 2009-02-01
An American-Chinese consortium commissions SvA to research the feasibility of an OLED production line optimisation. A team of 20 is formed, lead by Sven Pekelder.
Financial horizon - 2009-01-01
SvA mangement expects turnover in the training and recruitment field to drop in the first quarter of 2009.
Erik Verhoeven new member of staff - 2008-12-01
Ir. Erik Verhoeven, ex-Arima, commences work as a project manager at Settels van Amelsvoort. His first assignment will be at Anteryon, where he will work on product development and process improvement.
Guustaaf Savenije consulting associate - 2008-12-01
Ir. Guustaaf Savenije, Mechanics Utwente 1981, formerly COO at Assembleon and Program Director Twinscan at ASML, joins our group of consulting associates.
Paul Janssen starts as consulting associate - 2008-12-01
Ir. Paul Janssen (TU Measurement & Control), associate lector in mechatronics at Fontys, 6sigma Master Black Belt, joins our group of consulting associates. He will facilitate improvement projects within Team Food.
Expansion office space @ anderlechtstraat - 2008-11-01
SvA expands, occuping a new floor in the office building in Anderlechtstraat.
SvA Tool for performance evaluation. - 2008-11-01
SvA develops a new tool for employee performance reviewing. Using the tool facilitates to have an open and concrete dialogue between teamleader and team member.
OTB Solar invites SvA team to assist in R&D - 2008-11-01
SvA and OTB Solar commence negotiations regarding a strategic partnership in R&D.
Panalytical - 2008-10-01
Panalytical commissions SvA to redesign their product portfolio. Dorine Laheij starts work at the customer's location.
Philips DAP design reviews - 2008-10-01
Philips DAP invites SvA to take part in product design reviews.
Masterplan for new machinery - 2008-10-01
A machinery engineering company asks SvA to develop a masterplan for their new generation of machines.
Leidse Instrumentmakers School - 2008-10-01
SvA and Leidse Instrumentmakers School start cooperating. The program is lead by Piet van Rens and Riné Dona. Every year 10-20 student of LIS will follow a graduation program at Settels Savenije van Amelsvoort.
Piet van Rens consulting associate @ settels van amelsvoort - 2008-09-01
We are vey happy to welcome Piet as one of our team of senior technology consultants.
extension of office space - 2008-09-01
The design of the extension of AvA office space at the Anderlechtstraat in Eindhoven is finalised.
Jan van Amelsvoort retires as director - 2008-09-01
Ir. Jan van Amelsvoort steps downs as director and continues his work as consulting associate. John Settels is appointed as the sole director of Settels van Amelsvoort.
Pezy and SvA join in product design project - 2008-08-01
Pezy and SvA start a joint project in Product Design.
Sculptures carmen haagsma - 2008-07-01
Carmen Haagsman, ceramics artist, delivers creative works of art to decorate the new SvA office.
Larger offices at Anderlechtstraat - 2008-07-01
Due too a further growth in activities and staff, SvA decides to double the floor space of their office to 1100m2.
Piet van Rens and Rine Dona visit Vlisco - 2008-07-01
Piet van Rens and Riné Dona visit Vlisco to see the work that has been carried out there over the previous 20 years by Ir. Jan van Amelsvoort and his team at SvA.
Workshop in Madrid - 2008-06-01
All SvA employees visit Madrid for a three day workshop. They also visit John´s family home in the sierra of Madrid.
European Project with KU Leuven, Louwers, van Knegsel - 2008-06-01
The University of Leuven, Machinefabriek Van Knegsel, Louwers glass technique and Dona + collaborate together in a european project.
Dorine Laheij starts @ SvA as mechanical designer - 2008-05-01
Ing. Dorine Laheij (Mechanics & Masterclass CFT) commences work at SvA as mechanical designer and technology consultant.
Riné Dona consulting associate @ Settels van amelsvoort - 2008-04-01
Riné Dona, an inspiring and thorough Senior Technology Consultant accepts SvA's invitation to join the group of consulting associates.
Mark Meuwese joins the Settels team - 2008-03-01
Ing. Mark Meuwese (formerly of CFT) commences on April 1 as Senior Technology Consultant and member of the MT of Settels van Amelsvoort .
mentor program progresses - 2008-03-01
Education and training within the framework of the Mentor Program commences. 8 Senior staff members are trained to mentor within the office. The objective is twofold: to secure the inspiration of all our employees simulate their personal growth.
Jasper Smit new member of staff - 2008-03-01
Jasper Smit, young talented graduates from Leidse Instrumentmakers School, currently studying at Fontys Mechanics, enters our job assignment program.
Marieke van Wely joins the SvA team - 2008-02-01
Ing. Marieke van Wely, mechanical designer and lead engineer at Philips CFT and Vision Dynamics, commences work as Designer and Technology consultant at SvA.
Keynote speech Prof. Wim van der Hoek - 2008-02-01
Professor Wim van de Hoek, one of the founders of the design principles program taught at Settels van Amelsvoort, holds an interesting keynote speech at a busy event at SvA.
Team coaching course - 2008-01-01
The Team coaching course is running again in 2008. In the spring of that year is specifically directed to directors and managers.
UHV course extended - 2008-01-01
The course Engineering in Ultra High Vacuum is extended with an extra day's training on Contamination.
Technology Masterplan - 2007-12-01
Delicia (Hagelslag and Crunchies) asks Settels van Amelsvoort to develop a Technology Masterplan for their factory in Tilburg.
Settels van amelsvoort mentor program starts - 2007-10-01
Led by Machiel Kneppers, the Mentor Programme begins at SvA. Experienced members of staff are linked to younger engineers to support them in their personal and technical growth.
Keynote speech Prof. Flip Doorschot - 2007-10-01
Prof. Ir. Flip Doorschot holds an exciting keynote speech on "Managing the Flow of Technology". A successful event, with 85 attendees."
New offices - 2007-09-01
Settels van Amelsvoort relocates to a bigger, new office with better facilities for the training program. The location stays the same at the Anderlechtstraat.
Hennie Nagel re-joins our team - 2007-06-01
Hennie Nagel, teamleader in mechanical design and lead engineer at the OTB Group will commence work at Settels van Amelsvoort on 1st August.
Technology workshop, Madrid - 2007-04-01
The technology workshop in Madrid with 28 attendees was a great success. In the Bernabeu stadium, Real Madrid beat Valencia thanks to a goal by Ruud van Nistelrooy.
improvement program starts @ Vlisco - 2007-03-01
Vlisco and Settels van Amelsvoort join forces in the Production Improvement Program
Dick van Langeveld and Theo Mulder join group of consulting associates - 2007-03-01
Dr. Dick van Langeveld and Theo Mulder, both experts in the field of vacuum system technology, join our group of consulting associates.
Vacuum Course almost sold out - 2007-03-01
The Engineering in Ultra High Vacuum Course is almost sold out. Only six places are available for Spring 2007. This course is the first course developed by Settels van Amelsvoort in cooperation with NEVAC.
Piet van Rens contracted as trainer design principles - 2007-02-01
Piet van Rens is a very senior and experienced trainer in design principles. He started off his career as personal assistant of prof. Wim van der Hoek.
Cooperation with Heineken - 2007-02-01
Settels van Amelsvoort qualifies as recruiter for technology-related positions for Heineken.
Edwin van den Tillaart joins our team. - 2007-01-01
Ing. Edwin van den Tillaart (1973, Physics) commences work for Settels van Amelsvoort on a testrig at ASML.
Ultra High Vacuum Course - 2006-12-01
Settels van Amelsvoort and NEVAC start the Engineering in Ultra High Vacuum Course. The first course will take place in March 2007.
Team Food - 2006-12-01
De Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij and Settels van Amelsvoort invite the management of twenty food producing companies to participate in a strategic summit on the topic: Team Food.
Gert verkade starts coaching program - 2006-12-01
Ing. Gert Verkade, qualified in applied physics, starts in the internal staff coaching program in combination with his work in our group of consulting associates.
jan van amelsvoort program manager new design principles course - 2006-11-01
SvA has taken initiative to develop a new course "design principles for UHV applications"
Cooperation with Panalytical - 2006-11-01
Our company classifies as recruiment partner for Panalytical.
Dubai Shiplift Side Transfer System @ Bosch Rexroth starts - 2006-10-01
A partnership between Settels van Amelsvoort and Bosch Rexroth is formed. The first project is a ship docking system in Dubai.
Sailing and technology - 2006-09-13
All SvA employees take part in a three day sailing race and technology workshop on the Waddenzee.
Erwin Hilders new member of staff - 2006-09-01
Ir. Erwin Hilders, qualified in mechanics at TU Eindhoven, joins Settels van Amelsvoort. He commences work as a consultant at Eisenkolb, where he will professionalise the machine CE certification process
Settels staff teaching at Hogeschool Utrecht - 2006-09-01
Hogeschool Utrecht and Settels van Amelsvoort start a collaboration whereby SvA consultants will host Measurement & Control lectures.
Gert Verkade starts as company coach - 2006-09-01
Ing. Gert Verkade, qualified in Applied Physics, joins our group of consulting associates. Gert is a coaching professional specialised in the technology sector.
CAD - 2006-09-01
Settels van Amelsvoort and Unigraphics agree to make UG the standard CAD environment in the SvA office.
Machiel Kneppers starts as Sales Consultant - 2006-08-01
Machiel Kneppers joins Settels van Amelsvoort. Machiel will be in charge of commerce.
Change of office - 2006-08-01
Having been situated in Waalre for almost twenty years, Settels van Amelsvoort moves to a new location at 17 Anderlechstraat, in Eindhoven.
SAINT changes into Settels van Amelsvoort - 2006-08-01
SAINT Group of Companies changes its name to Settels van Amelsvoort.
Incorporation of SAINT Engineering & Projectmanagement BV - 1987-11-01
1st November 1987 Jan van Amelsvoort and John Settels incorporated SAINT Engineering & Projectmanagement BV.