From idea to realization: Creating awareness with the QTLC tool

2025-02-18 Every day, we strive to design and deliver the best solutions for our customers. However, sometimes, our projects do not just solve external challenges, they also inspire us to improve our own way of working. In this interview, Maikel Michiels highlights one such solution: the QLTC visualization tool. Read more →
Microclean in practice:

2021-06-25 "By 'cleanliness' in mechanical engineering we don't mean that we wash parts in a washer at the end of the production process. On the contrary, you have to prevent contamination. In the production of components, you have to ask yourself whether you are using the right raw materials, that will not cause problems later on." Read more →
At STTLS, different blood types work well together

2021-06-25 "In cars, software is becoming more and more important. Just look at the importance of software in a Tesla. You can also see this happening in machines: they used to be heavily mechanically driven, but software is becoming increasingly dominant. As developers, you then have to speak each other's language, which I always find a nice challenge." Read more →
Also in feasibility projects, a good start is half the battle

2021-06-18 "One of the major disruptions in high-tech projects are late surprises in the process. Often these are surprises in the performance or (physical) effects that have been underestimated." Hans d'Achard and Marco Nijhuis are involved in several projects at Settels Savenije (STTLS for short), Read more →
I was immediately impressed by the culture of quality

2021-02-16 “A customer recently told me: ‘whenever products are delivered from your company, there’s really no need to complete an incoming quality check, everything’s always okay.’ We do indeed set the bar high: something that the customer requests in silver we often deliver in gold. We sometimes go a bit overboard, ha, ha.” Read more →
All requited competences in house

2021-01-22 With the pooling of our multiple competences, machines created by complex physics are our forte. We have all the required competences in house to create machines which allow customers to execute processes based on complex physics. In 2019 we were approached by a customer, initially for machine assembly, and subsequently for the purchase of the related parts. Nowadays we make these very parts ourselves. Read more →

2020-12-04 "When trying to provide quality in the metal industry, you also have to manage craftsmanship. We have people working on our machines that can make the impossible possible, challenges that the average metal chipper wouldn’t even consider. By carrying out difficult assignments, you also discover new skills.” Read more →
Transparency manufacturing: Eindhoven is still at the forefront

2020-10-07 “Sharing knowledge is important in the manufacturing industry, we want to involve customers in developments in our production. Conversely, it is also important that our professionals understand why a certain specification is requested by a customer, why something must be completely clean, for example.” Read more →
The RGA in practice: A substantial investment and a perfect match

2020-09-21 “Having your very own RGA system gives you not only a whole lot of ‘tranquillity’ in production, but also insight: you see exactly what is happening and it ensures a sense of what is and what is not possible and also what works. Moreover, it creates awareness among colleagues, about what is possible and what is necessary.” Read more →
My challenge is to integrate three worlds, in the most beautiful workplace of Eindhoven

2020-08-31 “33 years ago, I set up this company together with a colleague. 10 years down the road I took over the company management. Subsequently I reset the company philosophy after the 2004 crisis. To that purpose I asked one key question: How can I create a world for talented technicians that is just right?” Read more →
I firmly believe in equal relationships with suppliers

2020-08-03 “I firmly believe in our chain management philosophy: equal relationships with suppliers instead of playing out your dominant position as a customer. Granting opportunities to partners and really working together is important. If in a project time is of the essence and price is secondary, we do not immediately bring up the subject with our suppliers.” Read more →
COVID-19 does not stop move to Strijp-T

2020-06-25 “It goes without saying that the relocation of our Precision Parts department to Strijp-T has been affected by COVID-19, if only because the electrical Canalis installation from Italy was delayed. But our focus remains on July 1 and we all look forward to transferring to Strijp-T. At last we move in with our colleagues, already in situ.” Read more →